My Beard Guy

These Hair Loss Tips Prevent Baldness


Delicious, spring is coming again! It gets warmer outside, nature wakes up from his hibernation, and it stays light longer. The only thing I do not enjoy in the spring is that I lose a lot more hair in the spring than in other seasons. Do you also suffer from that? Then read on quickly, because I have figured out how it is and what you can do for hair fall treatment.

How to prevent hair loss?

To understand how it is that your hair falls out, you must first know how it grows. There are many hair follicles on your scalp. One hair grows out of each hair follicle. Because of small blood vessels, these hair follicles are provided with all the necessary nutrients to stay healthy and active. A hair follicle goes through 3 phases: growth, transition and rest. In the rest phase, the hair falls out, the pouch rests, and a new hair comes after a few months.

Why did you have to know this? Well because this explains hair loss in the spring. You usually lose about 50 to 100 hairs per day because they are in the resting phase. In the spring and autumn, however, more hair follicles go into the resting phase, and you lose more hair.

Causes and solutions for hair loss in the spring

Hair loss cure #1 – Avoid too much sun exposure

Cause: The more you are in the sun, the less melatonin your body produces. Melatonin acts as an anti-oxidant and stimulates hair growth while it reduces hair loss.

Solution: Now you do not have to dodge the sun in the summer (sin!). More sleep and a regular sleep rhythm also provide more melatonin.

Hair fall control #2 – Avoid taking the stress

Cause: Stress is the biggest enemy of your hair, regardless of the season, but in spring the effect is even stronger. Because of tension, your immune system shoots in a panic reaction so that it can also attack your hair follicles.

Solution: Reducing your stress levels is always a good idea. Try yoga. And make sure you sleep well and regularly.

Argan oil on your hair

Hair loss solution #3 – Dry hair

Cause: In the spring you will notice that your hair is drier than usual. In the spring you also want to pay more attention to your appearance, and you will wash your hair more often and use more styling products. All this results in much dryer hair. Your hair follicles do not even get the chance to enter the resting phase, because the hair breaks down halfway.

Solution: Do not wash your hair too much, avoid styling products and heat sources and care for your hair with nourishing products. Good, healthy care can repair a lot of damage. Argan oil is perfect for your hair because it does not make your hair greasy and because of the high dose of anti-oxidants, your hair will recover itself.


Hair loss is a natural part of the cycle that your hair follicles continue. In the spring (and in autumn) relatively more hairs will end up in the resting phase. Fortunately, there are natural ways to prevent that as much as possible. Reducing stress is an essential one. If you combine this with proper care of your hair with argan oil, you will find that you lose less hair in this beautiful season! Visit My Beard Guy homepage for more tips on hair loss prevention.


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David Garner, a grooming professional, has been advising those that listen to him πŸ˜‰ for better personality, grooming and looks enhancement for last 7 years. His Passions include traveling and chilling out with those that he beards ;-).

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